Friday, January 7, 2011

Ohhhhhh Yeeessssss!

Today is freakin' awesome-not only is it Friday but a great WOD day!

...Cheryl, me, and Nikki busted out the .com main site wod today

6 deadlifts 225/155#
7 burpee-pullups
10 kettlebell swings 2pood/1.5pood
200 m. run

I successfully completed 7 rds + 10 kettlebell swings (better than Josh Everett)...BOOM!!!!!

Nikki completed a nice 6 rds and Cheryl completed a great 5 rds...

...then on the minute for 10 minutes I completed 3 squat cleans @ #165

Way to go all!!...I do the Impossible kicks off tomorrow!!!

Cheryl and I after our long, tough WOD