Friday, January 21, 2011

Double Baseline

Today the WOD for the day was double baseline...

1000 m. row
80 air squats
60 sit-ups
40 pushups
20 pullups

Jon R. 8'26"
Deric M. 7'36" (lil' bastard)
Carson 8'02"
HB 9'02"

and then some...Nice job everyone!!!!

Some times for today!

Then, after work, I completed:
3 cleans #185
5 dips
7 2 pood russian swings
AMRAP-15 min...

Result: 13 rounds on the dot...

Big D doin' what he does at 6 o'clock class!

I love everyone!...thank you all for the birthday wishes...
I especially love my brother Chanse and my fiance Natali

Nat and I

My bro Chanse (freakin' looks like me)