Monday, January 24, 2011

Wallball-Run/C & J/Back Squat

Today was a great Monday at CFCP...

The class workout was a challenge...we had a great turnout though and I saw some fabulous effort from a whole lotta folk...great job everyone!

WOD: 5 rounds
20 wallball shots #20/14
400m. run

Some top times for the day:
I finished with a time of 10'47"

After this really tough WOD, Dave Nickel, HB and I decided to work some clean and jerk!...2, 2, 2, 1, 1
...after a brisk warm-up, we began...

...this is what happened:
Dave N. completed a swift 225#, as well as I, and HB busted his chin because he didn't get his face out of the way of the bar...CONSTANTLY VARIED MODAL DOMAIN FACE SMASH!

Then after work I did some heavy (at least for me) back squat!
6, 6, 4, 3, 1, 1
I started light but later PR'd at 285#.......BOOOOOOMMMM!

...and I gotta give it up to Trev for POWNING Sunday's dotcom with a time of 3'23"
10 reps 275# deadlift
50 doubles
3 rounds for time

Another day in the books....gotta hit some muscle ups tomorrow...