Saturday, January 29, 2011

Holy Bajeezus!

Saturday was freakin nuts!!!

Dave decided to rock us with this nasty little WOD:

5 Rounds for time:
7 deadlifts #315
30 doubles
400 m. run

Fio: 15' and change
Carson: 17' and change
Dave N.-19' and change
HB-25' and change
Ro Ro-16' and change
Liz-20' and change

Doin' Dead WOD

Nice Job everyone!!!!

Back became very, very tight...

But that didn't stop us...

So then Dave T. set up a bar-dip station where we had to complete 100 dips in as few sets as possible...
...Dave N, Fio, and I all took about 7 rounds to complete it...very NICE!

Then Ro Ro, Dave N. and I did this...

60m farmers walk 2pood/1.5pood
5 kb snatch 1.5pood/1pood each arm

We all completed about 8 rounds of each movement!

Us after killer Deadlift WOD

Me and these guys are going to get a bit more acquainted this next week!

Strength on Monday...preparation month for EP and Crossfit OPEN!