Monday, January 31, 2011


Today was a "get back in the groove" day...

2, 2, clean @ #190
2, 2, 2 clean @ #200

2, 2 jerk @ #190
2, 2, 2 @ #200


Then did 30 pistols on each leg...not for time...

Be back tomorrow...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Holy Bajeezus!

Saturday was freakin nuts!!!

Dave decided to rock us with this nasty little WOD:

5 Rounds for time:
7 deadlifts #315
30 doubles
400 m. run

Fio: 15' and change
Carson: 17' and change
Dave N.-19' and change
HB-25' and change
Ro Ro-16' and change
Liz-20' and change

Doin' Dead WOD

Nice Job everyone!!!!

Back became very, very tight...

But that didn't stop us...

So then Dave T. set up a bar-dip station where we had to complete 100 dips in as few sets as possible...
...Dave N, Fio, and I all took about 7 rounds to complete it...very NICE!

Then Ro Ro, Dave N. and I did this...

60m farmers walk 2pood/1.5pood
5 kb snatch 1.5pood/1pood each arm

We all completed about 8 rounds of each movement!

Us after killer Deadlift WOD

Me and these guys are going to get a bit more acquainted this next week!

Strength on Monday...preparation month for EP and Crossfit OPEN!  

Friday, January 28, 2011


What an eventful crossfit day!

After watching everyone get after it yesterday with "Holbrook" the hero, I decided to do it!

10 rounds of:
5 thrusters #115
10 pullups
100 m. sprint
Rest 1 minute in between rounds...record fastest and slowest times

Results :
Carson: low-42 sec   high-54 sec

 Holbrook splits

After tearing up that wod, I was still feeling pretty good, so I decided to do the class wod for the day...
For time:
Row 1k
Run 800 m.
Row 1k

Saw some great effort from a lot of folks....NICE JOB EVERYONE!

Heather Puked

 Heather After Puke


Jason, me, Wlad, HB post wod #2

If that wasn't enough...and after a delicious lunch with lots of protein, sweet potato, water, meat, and love, it was time for some BACK SQUAT!!!

Completed with Chad:
5 reps at #205
3X5 reps at #255
1X3 reps at #275
1 RM at #300   PR!
....then I did it once more just to see if it was a fluke...and it wasn't a fluke, I succeeded!

Master's class tomorrow...

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today was supposed to be a rest day, but I couldn't get over the fact that I couldn't do a "pistol" after some drills and lessons that I looked up on the net, I finally got em'!!!   Boom Baby!!!

I need to know how to do them because they are in one of the wods at the SWfitness throwdown...

So I did:10 rounds
For time...3 on each leg alternating and 20 double unders

Carson: 20'ish


I WANNA LOOK LIKE THE DUDE....t-shirt in the making...

Heavy Rowing Nancy

We were put to the test today with this ridiculous WOD:

Heavy Rowing "Nancy:
5 rounds:
500 m. row
15 overhead squats #135

Dave N.-18'45"

Dave N. and I after WOD


Holbrook tomorrow!...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dip/pullup and Some

Today after frying my legs with all of the nasty squatting yesterday, it was time for some upperbody body weight stuff....

So Fio and I decided to rock this 10 minute AMRAP...
5 pullups
5 dips
15 situps
Completed with a #20 vest

Carson-9 rounds
Fio-8 rounds and 1 dip

Before Wod gettin' warm

Immediately post wod.  (Yay...Go US)!!

Then after a couple minutes rest, it was time for another body weightish 12' AMRAP...

6 Pushups
5 hang pwr cleans #155

Carson-10 rounds

And today they posted the WODS for the SWfitness throwdown in El Paso Texas on Feb. 26-27th...should be awesome

And I gotta give a shot out to the SRT team and Robert Ayala's team competing in the the Tough Mudder competiton in a few days...


Monday, January 24, 2011

Wallball-Run/C & J/Back Squat

Today was a great Monday at CFCP...

The class workout was a challenge...we had a great turnout though and I saw some fabulous effort from a whole lotta folk...great job everyone!

WOD: 5 rounds
20 wallball shots #20/14
400m. run

Some top times for the day:
I finished with a time of 10'47"

After this really tough WOD, Dave Nickel, HB and I decided to work some clean and jerk!...2, 2, 2, 1, 1
...after a brisk warm-up, we began...

...this is what happened:
Dave N. completed a swift 225#, as well as I, and HB busted his chin because he didn't get his face out of the way of the bar...CONSTANTLY VARIED MODAL DOMAIN FACE SMASH!

Then after work I did some heavy (at least for me) back squat!
6, 6, 4, 3, 1, 1
I started light but later PR'd at 285#.......BOOOOOOMMMM!

...and I gotta give it up to Trev for POWNING Sunday's dotcom with a time of 3'23"
10 reps 275# deadlift
50 doubles
3 rounds for time

Another day in the books....gotta hit some muscle ups tomorrow...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Birthday/Sat Wod

Friday night was a great night...all of the important people in my life came and celebrated my 26th birthday at Serranos...then we went bowlin'...thank you to everyone!

Bowlin' for BDAY!!


Natali and I at Cedar Park Stars game (2-1 W in OT) Saturday night

On Saturday, after a long night of bowling, it was WOD time...

Nikki came up with this ridiculous WOD:
10, 8, 6, 4, 2 front squat, push press, thrusters #115
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 box jump, pullup, burpee

Dave N-10'31"
Mike Fio-12'35"
Trev-14'ish minutes
HB-17'ish minutes

This really hurt...then Trev, Dave N. and I deadlifted 5, 5, 5, 5

Dave N-275#

Followed by a 500m row TT:
Dave N.-1'23"

Then we practiced snatch!

Next week is going to be epic...thanks again all for the birthday wishes.

Us after Saturday madness!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Double Baseline

Today the WOD for the day was double baseline...

1000 m. row
80 air squats
60 sit-ups
40 pushups
20 pullups

Jon R. 8'26"
Deric M. 7'36" (lil' bastard)
Carson 8'02"
HB 9'02"

and then some...Nice job everyone!!!!

Some times for today!

Then, after work, I completed:
3 cleans #185
5 dips
7 2 pood russian swings
AMRAP-15 min...

Result: 13 rounds on the dot...

Big D doin' what he does at 6 o'clock class!

I love everyone!...thank you all for the birthday wishes...
I especially love my brother Chanse and my fiance Natali

Nat and I

My bro Chanse (freakin' looks like me)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

.COM/Thruster sprints

Together Dave N. and I completed the dotcom for the day.  This workout consisted of:

5 rds:
400m. run
20 burpees
15 bent over rows 50#...although we used 53# and 55#

...cause that's how we roll...

Carson-16'33" (30 seconds behind dotcom leader Josh E., but better than most)
Dave N.-18'54"

Great Work Everyone!

Then Dave N. and I teamed up and took on 150 thrusters #95 for time...we finished with a time of 8'24" hurt...but POW!

After the WOD and thruster WOD!  PaPow!

another day in the books...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Ridiculous Day of Work!

Today was an awesome day at the 609 box...again I wasn't sure what was in store so we went to Big Dave Tillman...he came up with some awesome programming for the day!

We started off with a 2k row time trial

Carson: 7'12"
Wladi: 6'51"
Mike Fio: 7'05"

No matter what, the pinche 2k row always hurts so bad!
Wladi's time and self after his 2k PR!

After the 2k row, we had to work our Rack jerks!
Reps: 3, 3, 2, 2, 2
Carson: 185, 195, 205, 205, 215 and 1 @235#
Mike Fio: 205, 205, 215, 225, 235 and 1 @245#
  Working the Jerk!

Then we did front squats @ 8, 8, 4, 4, 2 reps superset with 20 back is where the body was like wtf....but ain't nothin' a lil' white flood can't handle...boom!
Carson: 155, 165, 185, 205, 225#
Wlad: 165, 185, 215, 235, 255#
Mike Fio: 185, 205, 215, 235, 255#

Then we had to WOD
10-1 reps each of:
155# pwr clean
chest to bar pullups
kettlebell swings 1.5 pood

Carson: 13'02"...boom!
Wladi: 22'40"
...really tough...
Mike Fio preparing for 2k row and Wladi and I about to hit the WOD...
Another day in the books, .com tomorrow!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tabata Somethin'

Today we rocked tabata somethin' else, and boy was it Somethin' Else!...haha

...scored 424 hurt

...the end

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Open Gym

Saturday, January 15th was a great day at CFCP.  28 people showed up for 14 teams of 2 to complete the following workout I designed:

"A Buck Fifty"
Each team of two had to complete:
800 m. run
150 squats
150 situps
150 pushups
150 pullups or 250 squats
800 m. run backwards

Wladi and HB finished 1st with a time of 24'and change...saw great ROM and huge effort from everybody!
Great great job everybody.

I stayed later and completed the .com......"Elizabeth":
21, 15, 9 reps of squat cleans #135 and ring dips
...finished with a time of 9'22"

CFCP after FGB 5

Chest to bar at ACO


Fio after "Fran" got a hold of him at ACO

Damn sandbags raping me at ACO

Friday, January 14, 2011


Today was a nice day for some sucked though...

After not really knowing what to do today, Wladi came in and started snatching, so there it was...the class wod was 3 position snatch and then we had to find our max snatch...

I finished with #175 (much improvement needed)...and my buddy Sonny got the same!  Boom Baby!!

...then Dave told Wladi to complete the following:

4 rounds for time of:
300m row
10 OHS #135 (overhead squat for those of you who don't know what OHS is)

Wlad started us off early with a time of 9'24"
...I later did it with a time of 9'05"
...Then D' came later and completed it with a time of 7'36"

D' with some OHS action

Tomorrow I coach class at 9:30 AM at the new's gonna be some great fun.

See ya'll there!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ummmm...Quite a Ridiculous Day!!

Today Dave, me, Mike and Wladi hammered ourselves...we put to the test what "work" really means.  Learning to take it to the next level will only get easier with the amount of work we did today!...with that 1 million dollar purse and 10 year contract, it only makes sense to push it and pull it with max effort!

WOD 1: "Jack"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 push press 115#
10 kettlebell swings 1.5 pood
10 box jumps (24 inches)

after seeing some of the big dawgs on the .com complete it, we decided to run with it...I finished with 14 rounds +5 pp...Dave finished with 13 rounds +5 pp and mike finished with 12 rounds and 8 pp...we totally rocked it baby!!!  The boom and the pow.

Dave, Mike and I after this WOD!

WOD 2: .com for 1/12/10
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
Row 250m
25 pushups

Wladi joined in for this wod and took the cake with 8 rounds and 200+m on the row...I finished with 8 rounds even (tied with Clever woman)...dave finished 7 rounds and 13 pushups, and mike finished 7 rounds and a couple hundred meters....we kicked ass on this wod as well...

Dave, Mike and I prior to this WOD!

Then I went on to complete 6 rounds of 3 reps of:
3 position cleans:
#195    I completed all of these rounds and then PR'd my squat clean @ 235#

So much boom and pow today it was ridiculous...excited what is in store for the future of CFCP and it's athletes!

Off to tennis...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The boom and the pow was today at noon:
The landshark and I performed the .com in the biting cold.  We knew it was going to be a challenge but we pushed through...

3 rounds for time:
6 muscle ups
30 wallball shots
12 handstand pushups
15 power cleans #135

I finished with a time of 21'08 and Wladi finished right behind me at 27' sure is tough to breath in cold weather and extremely rough on the hands!

but that's why crossfit is...Constantly Varied!


Cold muscle ups!  Long live Crossfit...

Monday, January 10, 2011


Got warmed up today with the Cedar Park class WOD....
150 pushups-score is timed attempting to complete in as few sets as possible...once muscle failure hit, you had to run an 80m run...awesome fun!

Time was 7'24" (completed in 4 rounds).

Saw a lot of awesome push from HB, Jason (we missed you), Jodie G., Samantha, Heather, Kelly, Liz(who kicked total ass) and Lawrence!  Nice job yall'!!

HB after the class WOD-gettin' all swoll and such!

Then I went on and did a squat pyramid-
7 @ 225#, 5 @245#, 3 @ 265#, 1 @ 275#
3 @ 265#, 5 @ 245#, 7@ 225#.....then fast as possible completed 30 reps at 135#
...this hurt a whole lot...get SOME!

-stop eating canned crap and sugar and you will be a beast!
Take after us...
This night consisted of paleo margaritas...BOOM
-cauliflower rice
- grilled pork chops
-IT was AmazInG!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fun Fun Fun Day

This morning was the beginning of the "I Do the Impossible" challenge...

I saw some great effort from everybody...should be an outstanding few weeks!

After some snatch work, Deric and I performed the .com for the day...

5 rounds of:
10 wall climbs
10 toes to bar
20 box jumps (24 inches)

I finished with time of 14'25"(better than Josh Everett) and big D, who helped me a lot with my snatch form today was right behind me with a time of 14'45"...freakin' awesome man...
after this, I tortured myself with some Bikram Yoga

About Bikram

Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury is the founder of the worldwide Yoga College of India™. Born in Calcutta in 1946, Bikram began Yoga at the age of four with India's most-renowned physical culturist at that time, Bishnu Ghosh, the younger brother of Paramahansa Yogananda (Author of the most popular book on Yoga, The Autobiography of a Yogi, and founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles).
Bikram practiced Yoga at least four to six hours every day at Ghosh's College of Physical Education in Calcutta. At the age of thirteen, he won the National India Yoga Championship. He was undefeated for the following three years and retired as the undisputed All-India National Yoga Champion.
At seventeen, an injury to his knee during a weight-lifting accident brought the prediction from leading European doctors that he would never walk again. Not accepting their pronouncement, he had himself carried back to Bishnu Ghosh's school, for he knew that if anyone could help to heal his knee, it was his teacher. Six months later, his knee had totally recovered. Ghosh was a celebrated physical culturist and the first to scientifically document Yoga's ability to cure chronic physical ailments and heal the body.
Bikram was asked by Ghosh to start several Yoga schools in India. The schools were so successful that at Bishnu's request Bikram traveled to Japan and opened two more. He has since brought his curative methods of Yoga therapy around the world.

-26 positions and 1 1/2 hours at least 3 times a week is making me a better man...body, mind, and soul..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ohhhhhh Yeeessssss!

Today is freakin' awesome-not only is it Friday but a great WOD day!

...Cheryl, me, and Nikki busted out the .com main site wod today

6 deadlifts 225/155#
7 burpee-pullups
10 kettlebell swings 2pood/1.5pood
200 m. run

I successfully completed 7 rds + 10 kettlebell swings (better than Josh Everett)...BOOM!!!!!

Nikki completed a nice 6 rds and Cheryl completed a great 5 rds...

...then on the minute for 10 minutes I completed 3 squat cleans @ #165

Way to go all!!...I do the Impossible kicks off tomorrow!!!

Cheryl and I after our long, tough WOD

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh MY!

So this is why I'm always forward on my snatch...Chad V.  is a beast...I've been watching his vids on technique and skill...can't wait to get out there and get better...

Chad Vaughn - Optimal Bar Path from OlyAthlete on Vimeo.


Gotta give a shot out to John Rush today...he's never done Nancy and just made our white board with a time of 14'22

Saw a lot of drive and push as well from:
Robert Ayala
Kelly Middleton
Victoria Goldstein (who is so prego right now)

Way to go everyone!!!! I rest...preparing for a big day tomorrow...will keep the bloggin' comin!

Congrats again to John R.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gettin' Strong

Today was a test, but not too too bad

started the day with an 8:30am wod at Mike F's BNI meeting. It hurt a little was a bit nippy

It was: 3 rds of

-10 deads @135#
-5 hang cleans @135#
-5 press @135#
-30 doubles

time was 3'10"...

then about 3 hours later: Big Dave layed down a wod from last year's games...

It was: 7 rds of
-3 cleans @205#
-4 ring HSPU

time was 11'53"...

gotta give a shot out to Dave N. and Mike F. and Chanse T. for layin' out there with me.

Then Dave N. and I decided to do yesterday's class WOD...

It was: 4 rds of
-50 m sprint
-10 burpees

time was 2'23"...then I PR'd my 3RM front squat...Boom!...livin' the a family and fiance that love me and great people in my life...

Cannot wait to marry the love of my life